Tutors with powerful connections.

Outstanding Service.
Personal Relationships.

To inquire about tutoring, click below to fill out
our inquiry form:

You will be contacted within 24 hours to schedule a free phone consultation. 

To contact Josh directly:

Josh Lappin
Founder and Owner, SuperTutors.com

(508) 380-5720


Remote & In-Person Options

Many Super Tutors perform in-person tutoring. They recognize the effectiveness of human interaction.

All Super Tutors offer remote tutoring, and they urge parents to consider its value.

While “remote school” was a disaster for millions of students during the Covid pandemic, remote tutoring has proven to be very effective.


  1. It allows better access to a diverse pool of tutors as location is no longer a factor.

  2. It offers much more flexibility and convenience. Remote tutoring caters to busy schedules making it easier to find common availability. 

  3. It is more comfortable and familiar. Middle and high school students are accustomed to video communication, both academically and socially. It is a medium of which they have mastery.

  4. It extends technological advancements in remote communication (virtual whiteboards, backgrounds, and reality; increased security, file sharing, etc.) that work very well with various students including those who have unique learning styles.

  5. It considers the environment. Remote tutoring means there are fewer cars on the road.


Some families request having the first session in person, just to prove to their child that the tutor is in-fact a real person. Then, they switch to remote. Certainly, young students and students with certain learning differences may not be matches for remote tutoring, and this is understood by all our tutors.


Pricing & Plans

Tutoring is a journey that happens one step at a time. There are ebbs and flows in learning, and there are beginnings and ends within each educational experience.

SuperTutors.com has no subscription or membership fee. Tutors have the compensation rate of 80% regardless of the age of the student or the content taught.

Hours : Rate

0 – 9: $125/HR

10 – 14: $120/HR

15 – 19: $115/HR

20 – 24: $110/HR

25 – 29: $105/HR

30+: $100/HR

Learning Specialist Flat Rate:


To inquire about tutoring, click below to fill out our inquiry form:

You will be contacted within 24 hours to schedule a free phone consultation. Or contact Josh directly:

Josh Lappin
Founder and Owner, SuperTutors.com

(508) 380-5720
